Corruption and food Adulteration

Corruption is one of the most serious social ills in the context of Bangladesh which is hampering the overall development of Bangladesh. Corruption is a hot topic all the time. Kotila discusses corruption in his economics almost two thousand years ago. Corruption in the lexical sense means’ what is against the policy ‘,’ vulgarity ‘,’ misconduct ‘etc.) In Wikipedia, corruption is defined as loss of integrity, virtue or morality, destruction, and incitement to immoral or illegal acts. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ‘corruption means doing something unusual.

Corruption comes from the Latin word ‘Corruption’ which means destruction or damage. According to the UN’s Manual on Anti-Corruption Policy, corruption is the abuse of power for personal gain. Abuse of power refers to both the public and private sectors. In the moral sense, deviation from policy or working against the policy is corruption. From an administrative point of view, Professor Dr. gave a good definition of corruption. The Bangladesh Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) said in its published hand brochure on corruption.

Corruption and food Adulteration
Corruption and food Adulteration

The CCC also mentions in Chattanooga that “actions that are not generally acceptable to the conscience are called corruption.”

Causes of Corruption

Domestic and foreign experts and researchers are trying to find out the causes of corruption. They have mentioned some causes of corruption. Among these are the causes of corruption identified by TIB (Transparency International Bangladesh)

1. Lack of accountability:

2. Arbitrary use of power,

3. Exercise of absolute power

4. Lack of transparency;

5. The influence of powerful people;

6. Low salary etc.

Besides, lack and greed have been cited by many as the cause of corruption. In fact, ‘lack’ and ‘greed’ are the birth of innumerable misdeeds. Because most people are driven by these two issues and are corrupt. There are other reasons for corruption

A. Lack of transparency in government activities. In other words, the people are involved in the work and projects related to the interests of the people

Are not informed;

B. Lack of Right to Information Act,

C. Lack of freedom of the media, including freedom of speech,

D. Poor financial management; The practice of not completing the accounts of state institutions promptly;

Dr. Not conducting regular surveys to measure corruption in families, businesses;

5. Weak tax administration and tax system;

G. Dysfunctional democracy,

H. Lack of civil society and research organizations to monitor and report on government activities;

A. The unawareness of the people voting about national politics;

Lack of rule of law;

K. Lack of independence of judiciary and weakness of the law,

L. Lack of security for corrupt informants;

Dr. Military and civilian dictatorships,

F. Not evaluating honest employees properly and not judging dishonest employees;

O. Lack of decentralization of power. The weak position of political parties and political instability in preventing corruption, Lack and degradation of patriotism, human and moral values.

Effects of corruption

Corruption has a serious negative impact on the social life of Bangladesh. Corruption hinders both human rights and national development.

Corruption increases the distance and inequality between rich and poor in society. The life of a poor class of people becomes helpless in the room due to the low mentality of building a mountain of the wealth of a class of people. Corruption reduces both the national income and the per capita income of the people.

Corruption hampers the implementation of public and private development plans. People’s participation in the democratic system is mentioned but it is hampered by corruption. As a result, the distance between the people and the government increases. Corruption hurts the image of the country abroad. Donor agencies and foreign investors turned away.

The abuse of power sets a negative precedent for other people in society. As a result, the common people are attracted to corruption. This destroys social order and solidarity. The human rights of the common people, especially the disadvantaged people, are violated. Corruption makes people unemployed. Above all, people lose their moral consciousness and become inhuman.

Means of Prevention of Corruption Corruption is a social disorder equivalent to cancer in the body. Corruption and its causes cannot be eradicated. Some ways or measures can be suggested to suppress or prevent it. In the context of Bangladesh, these are the measures that can be taken to prevent corruption.

1. Strict laws need to be enacted to prosecute corruption and institutional arrangements need to be ensured for its implementation. Bangladesh’s anti-corruption commission needs to be strengthened and free from political influence, and special courts need to be set up to expedite the disposal of corruption cases.

2. Accountability must be ensured in all cases. Legislation on decentralization of power and the right to information needs to be enacted. 4. Freedom of speech and freedom of the media must be ensured.

5. The rule of law must be established. . The independence of the judiciary must be ensured.

The audit income and expenditure of every government institution have to be audited regularly. . Honest and loyal people and workers should be rewarded and encouraged to perform their duties and responsibilities and those who are dishonest and corrupt should be reprimanded punished. To be removed if necessary.

9. Salary employees will have to pay reasonable salaries and allowances.

10. We have to establish real democracy and democratic government. Because human rights and freedoms are in a democracy Recognized. A democratic government is a responsible and accountable government.

11. The recruitment process of the government administration should be transparent and impartial so that honest and qualified candidates can be recruited. Introduce e-governance at all levels.

12. Lessons on moral education need to be introduced at various levels of the education system and anti-corruption campaigns need to be continued. The anti-corruption policies of different religions should also be propagated. People educated in moral education can never involve themselves in any immoral activities.

13. Every political party must have anti-corruption programs and commitments. 15. Above all, good governance must be established in society. Because in the absence of good governance corruption is born and gradually increases.

Concept of food Adulteration

Food is an essential element for human survival. From the time a baby is born in the mother’s womb to the time it grows and dies, humans need food. From the earliest times of creation, people have been running after food. Not just for survival but for the overall development of our body and mind depends on the food. Adding ingredients that are hazardous to human health in food can be termed food adulteration. At present, the citizens of urban areas of Bangladesh are most concerned about food adulteration. Because they have been the most adulterated food.

Bangladesh has a law called the ‘Pure Food Act’. By law, ‘food’ means any type of edible oil, fish, meat, fruit or vegetable, or anything that is used as food. Food and drink are also included in the diet here. This law refers to adulterated food if any ingredient is added to it to reduce its quality. It will also be considered adulterated if any other ingredients are used instead of the ingredients that are supposed to be used or if harmful chemicals or dyes are mixed.

Food adulteration is usually done in two ways. Inadvertently or unintentionally, this is usually due to a lack of knowledge and awareness of responsibility. An excellent example of inadvertent adulteration is the use of pesticides indiscriminately or unconsciously to control crop pests. In many cases, the crop can be adulterated.

2. Intentional: By mixing low-quality food or non-food items with food in the hope of making more profit. Stays. Deliberate adulteration is the most harmful. In the competition for higher profits, chemicals are often added to food that is harmful to health.

Causes of Food Adulteration

Foods are adulterated to enhance the taste or flavor of food. Moreover, although many foods are bad in terms of quality, they are also adulterated to make them more edible. And behind all this is the desire to make more profit.

In our country, harmful chemicals are used more to prevent the digestion of food, and fruits are also used for early ripening. But the main thing is that the main way to make the pockets of some unscrupulous traders heavy is to use adulterated and harmful chemicals in food. Just as the general consumer does not care about the quality of the product, so do the regulators. This weakness also encourages traders to mix oil in their food.

As a result of the use of chemicals, unscrupulous traders are making exclusive profits, which is having a detrimental effect on the real traders who are trying to do business honestly. Unable to compete with fast-cooked and anti-digestive foods, they are either wrapping up their business with huge losses. Or, as time goes on, many buyers and sellers are getting involved in the business of adulteration.

As a result of illiteracy, the tendency of adulterated food is increasing day by day. There is no such idea. All the harmful chemicals that are used to enhance the taste and longevity of food are easily caught by unscrupulous food traders. Business of uncontrolled chemicals and chemicals

Due to the lack of supervision of the authorities in the use of food, food is easily mixed with poison. Industrial Day Calcium Caride contains toxic arsenic and phosphorus which convert healthy fruits into poisonous fruits. Although the Ministry of Agriculture has approved the use of bricks in agriculture, what is happening in the field is not being monitored properly. In many cases, due to a lack of awareness among the farmers, additional pesticides are used, just like grains or fruits are supposed to be taken to the market after a certain period even after the application of pesticides. Effects on Public Health

We are harmed in many ways by eating food containing toxic chemicals. Food adulteration has both short-term and long-term effects. Pregnant mothers and babies are more affected. Different types of new diseases are constantly on the rise. Toxic chemicals cause permanent stress in the body. Chemical foods are destroying the vital organs of our body like the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes, ears, etc. Citizens are suffering from diseases like liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, blood cancer, kidney failure, heart disease, anemia, etc. Anorexia, loss of appetite, gastritis, ulcers, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, etc. are now common problems. Adulterated food is one of the reasons for various problems including infertility, habagoba or birth of a handicapped child, stunted growth of the child. According to the World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), every year 4.5 million people in Bangladesh suffer from food poisoning and various complex diseases. At the Institute of Public Health, from 2010 to 2013, samples of 21.60 food products from across the country were found to be adulterated fifty percent of the products. The treatment of a complex disease caused by eating adulterated food is putting a lot of money outside the country at risk. Treatment of these deadly diseases is very expensive. In many cases, even treatment does not help. There is no need to spend a lot of money on medical needs. Therefore, in addition to the serious damage to public health, there is huge pressure on the economy.

Legal Action to Prevent Food Adulteration There are several laws in Bangladesh to create, market, and sell safe food and to protect the health of the people. Essential Commodities Control Act-1958, BSTI (Amendment) Act-2003, Pure Food (Amendment) Act-2005, Mobile Court Ordinance-2009, Consumer Protection Act-2009.

Bangladesh Pure Food (Amendment) Act, 2005 contains toxic chemicals harmful to human health such as Use of calcium carbide, formalin, pesticides (DDT, PCB oil) or toxic dyes in food and harmful toxins. Chemicals such as calcium carbide, formalin, pesticides (DDT), PCB oils, or toxic dyes. The sale of food has been banned. As well as eliminating food adulteration in each district and metropolitan area or one. There are provisions for setting up more than one pure food court.

According to section 42 of the Consumer Protection Act 2009, any harm to human life or health The product, along with any food product, has been banned. A person with similar food products If mixed, he will be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or a fine not exceeding two lakh rupees or both.

Safe food Act, 2013: The present Government of Bangladesh passed the “Safe Food Act-2013” in the National Assembly on October 7, 2013, to prevent adulteration in food. Under this Act, an organization called ‘Bangladesh Safe Food Authority’ will be formed, headed by the Minister of Food. The law provides for a maximum of five years imprisonment or a fine of Rs 10 lakh or both. Besides, provision has been made for imprisonment for a minimum of six months or a fine of Rs 1 lakh or both. If the same offense is committed for the second time, a maximum of five years imprisonment or a fine of Rs 20 lakh or both and a minimum of one year imprisonment or Rs 4 lakh. Provision has been made for a fine or both.

The Safe Food Act prohibits the use of chemicals or substances or substances that are harmful or toxic to the human body, such as calcium carbide, formalin, sodium cyclamate, pesticides, or perfumes. Manufacturing, importing, processing, stocking, supplying, or selling to sell adulterated, substandard, expired food or materials is considered an offense. It is also a punishable offense to prepare, preserve or sell diseased and rotten fish, diseased and dead animal meat, spoiled eggs, or milk.

The rules state that if a person commits a non-enforceable offense under the law, he will be given 30 days to amend it. Provision has been made to impose an administrative fine of up to Tk 3 lakh on any person who fails to comply with the directive. However, in case of cognizable offenses, the officer in charge will recommend to the authorities to file a case in the appropriate court.

According to the rules, adulterated food will be confiscated by the inspector or the officer appointed by the authority, and the officer authorized by the authority will take administrative action. In this case, the authority to appoint and assign the responsibility of the Bangladesh Safe Food Authority.

1. Coordination with the authorities constituted under the Safe Food Act and other government agencies carrying out activities against adulteration or use of chemicals in food and laboratory work should be done. The government needs to focus on increasing the manpower and technical skills of the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), the product quality control body.

2. It is not enough to impose penalties through mobile courts on food sellers who are involved in mixing chemicals in food and containing chemicals. Section 25-6 of the Special Powers Act, 1974 can be applied against them. Sections 25-6 of the Act provide for the death penalty or life imprisonment for adulteration of food or sale of expired or adulterated food.

3. Conduct regular mobile courts and strictly enforce existing laws. 4. Taking all necessary steps of the government to enforce the law without any discrimination or political considerations in preventing food poisoning or adulteration considering public health. A. Provide exemplary punishment to organizations involved in food poisoning.

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Inspection of formalin and other chemical products by NBR (National Board of Revenue) at the import stage. To this end, recruit necessary manpower and provide training to them.

Raising awareness among traders and consumers about formalin and other chemicals through media outlets and highlighting aspects of health hazards. Food poisoning in the media to ensure detoxification.

Allowing food advertising. With the assistance of the World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the government has set up an emergency manpower unit for Rs. 22 crores to identify the number of food chemicals. Above all, there is no substitute for awareness, caution, and honesty for business people and employees. Therefore, print media and electronic media can conduct regular information-based campaigns with the country to create awareness about the use of adulterated and harmful chemicals in food.

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